We, Japan Agri Challenge is a company who produces and provides the best quality Japanese Tomato locally in Thailand.
In the past, there are no tasty Tomato at the fresh market
in Thailand. Therefore, many Thai people still dislike Tomatoes. Furthermore, people believed that it is too difficult
to grow Japanese high quality Tomato under the hot temperature and high humidity environment in Thailand.
Thai people’s annual Tomato consumption is 4 kg per year
on average, it is 1/3 of Japanese people, and 1/5 of population in this world. We would like to let more Thai people to know
that there are sweet, tasty, safe and healthy Tomato. We want
to deliver out our Tomato to many Thai customers, which is one
of the best quality Tomato grown in Thailand and grown by
Thai people under Japanese agriculture technology and quality control. And we would like to contribute to Thai agriculture,
to the development of local society and to the happier future
of children by continuing our business for more than 1,000 years through Japanese agriculture technology. That is our dream...
In 2015, we “Japan Agri Challenge” started our challenge in Thailand, to grow “Bijin Tomato”. Our first planting was done
in the mountainous land at 850 m. above sea level in Phetchabun province, in the North Eastern area of Thailand.We started
with 40 Tomato plants which was grown under the small self-made bamboo greenhouse. On the contrary to our passion and ambition, our Tomato production faced on the extreme difficulties
in Thailand. Our first Tomato was tasty, but the production amount wasn’t good enough. Disease and Insects which we never encounter before appeared and rapidly increased at higher speed beyond our imagination. There are only limited line up
of agriculture materials available in Thai agriculture market, which isn’t same as Japan. Our first bamboo greenhouse was collapsed due to the strong rainfall and wind. Though we could start the first delivery to our customers in August 2015, all Tomato was devastated soon later just after 2 months. We had visit all customers and apologize to them every day.
The first year, we experienced and faced on the different climate, different agriculture environment, and different people here
in Thailand. But we had never given up, to provide the happiness of eating experience to peoples in Thailand and to contribute
to Thai Agriculture development with Bijin Tomato using Japanese technology by Thai people, we everyday tried our best
on Bijin Tomato production to continue this agriculture business.
In 2017, our greenhouse number was increased up to 25,
and number of our staff reached 15 people. And we started our 2nd farm in Chiang Rai in October 2017.
In 2019, our team members who is engaged in this challenge became more than 50 people in total. Bijin Tomato which is grown in the beautiful nature in Phetchabun and Chiang Rai, under
the cool highland climate, with crisp and clear air, under the scorching sun, using plenty of 100% pure ground water, the highest quality agriculture materials, under strict Japanese control, is very sweet, fresh, cute, rounded and super tasty. We always imagine the smiling face of our customers, we reduce the usage of Pesticide and Insecticide down to the minimum and stop spraying since
two weeks before starting harvest, and making absolutely sure
the safety of our Tomato with our own pesticide residue test
at each farm.
Under GAP, GMP certified farm and shipping environment,
all Tomatoes are picked by hand one by one, and selected
by mastered inspector carefully, gently packed and boxed,
then will be delivered to the table of our customers directly
from our farm. Production environment which is full of smiles
is directly connected to our customers’ table.
Thanks to everyone, Bijin Tomato production gradually increased year by year, and Bijin Tomato have been receiving numerous
of good reviews from people in Thailand, especially in Bangkok, the capital of Thailand. We are going to increase our production more and more to create more sweet delicious Tomato market
in Thailand and to meet all our demand all over the world.
Furthermore in 2019, we are starting challenging the production
of Japanese vegetables which is grown in organic without using any pesticide and insecticide. Same as Bijin Tomato, the organic vegetables grown in Chiang Rai nature under Japanese quality management will be soon available in Thailand fresh market.
More tasty, more beautiful, more happy.
The challenge of Bijin Tomato will be continued more
along with many of Bijin Tomato fans.